Our 12-month All In Experience is a beautiful blend of all the things a business woman needs to scale her success with sanity.
$83,000 Value

1-on-1 Breakthrough Business Coaching
Get expert advice from founder Sarah Stokes, a trusted consultant to CEOs at all levels. Sarah has personally built a multi-million dollar service-based business that continued to thrive even in a pandemic. She purchased and grew her first business to 7 times its size before successfully selling it. She has helped others scale their companies to dazzling new heights. During your two, hour-long strategy and coaching sessions per month, you’ll dig deep into your biggest current opportunity and challenge area. With Sarah’s support you will outline and begin to walk your personalized path to making a bigger impact through more revenue and more freedom.

Momentum Mastermind
A community of accomplished women. Where mentors are mentored. We created a safe space to be unapologetically successful. As the go-to person for your circle. Who can you share your success with? You know, the success that you can't just talk about with anyone, because they aren't at your level yet or just don't get it. This is the new room you've been looking for. The room where women come together to share wisdom, collaborate on solutions to the biggest challenges in business, and learn the inside scoop on scaling faster, with awareness, and more joy. This is where you accelerate. You learn, share, grow in courage, and leap to heights you won’t reach alone.

Life-Changing Spa Retreat
We will combine personal and professional growth in a magical way. We are taking over Sundara Inn & Spa, chosen for the sole purpose of replenishing your mind, body, and soul. Ahhhhh…we’ll be waiting for you! You will create some space to hear your dreams again. You will refresh your spirit and renew your mindsets as you honor your body’s need for rest and alignment!

Advanced Masterclasses that Matter
to your business, life, and success level. Customized content all year based on the biggest needs in your business and life. Imagine maximizing your wealth, marketing, leadership, quantum physics, reinvigorating your vision, and more.
Plus these BONUSES:
Daily support for your spirit with a complimentary membership to The Juicy 365 Daily Mentorship Meditation, nutrition, life coaching, spiritual tools, and movement/exercise ($2,997 value)
Customized professional and personal assessments to help you understand your style and personality traits
You’ll grow to your next money milestone and a more joyful life as you become the most rested, resilient, happy, soul-filled person in your family!

Some of the transformations you can expect...
Amaze yourself and blow your own mind at what you can do and create.
Learn how to best evaluate requests for your time and money.
Be happier than you've ever been, your relationships are better because you're supported as you stand in your values and worth.
You'll develop a clear vision of how to achieve your next level of success. A clear, bigger-thinking roadmap and action steps to your 1, 3, 10 year goals.
Assemble your best support team to help you achieve your heart-centered vision.
Only focus on your top 20 percent of activities and the things that move the needle. Set your business down at night and on weekends, if you want.
You will love this wise, supportive, high-achieving group of women in the All In Community. They are world changers just like you!

The All In Experience is $39,996
During our 2023 active enrollment period new members enjoy savings of $6,663,
bringing your investment to $33,333
Yes! I’m ready to...
- Discover my juicy joyful day.
- Build courage for my biggest goals while stretching myself to my full potential.
- Pinpoint patterns that have held me back and move beyond them.
- Enter a new room of wisdom.
- Grow to my next money milestone and a more joyful life!
- Prioritize my health, wealth and happiness while being unapologetically successful.
- Recapture revenue without adding work.
- Create fully aligned, no resentment pricing.
- Design my intentional calendar and take more time off than ever!
- Dream bigger, trust yourself deeply.
What Will Abundance Look Like For You?
With other open-hearted, growth-minded entrepreneurs transforming their mindset, creating life on their own terms, and making a bigger difference in the world…you’ll be in great company.
Stacy Whaley
Founder & Chief Coaching Officer
Kjersten Berard
Rewired + Real
Dr. Sarah Slaby
Dr. Sarah's Essentials
Lizzie Stewart
Financial Representative
Meet the founder of the Juicy Good Life
Sarah Stokes is a breakthrough business coach and mastermind leader with The Juicy Good Life, where she helps unbury world changers from the mountain of "shoulds" they are suffering under. She believes when visionary female founders have more joy and when their businesses are thriving, they have energy to change the world.
She’s an award-winning strategist who’s scaled successful businesses to multiple millions. She grew a women's magazine to 7 times its size and sold it to focus on growing her global marketing agency. She retired from that marketing agency that she built with her husband for 8 years so she could focus fully on helping women build their own juicy good lives and businesses.

Sarah was a TV anchor for 17 years. She married her co-anchor and they happily left TV to be with their two young kids. Her heart is in philanthropy, and she is most at home when she’s in her pajamas, in nature, or holding space for big dreams of the women she serves. Sarah has been blessed to serve on multiple boards and has been honored with multiple awards for her business and community achievements.
She brings all of this incredible experience and strategy to her clients to help them create their dreams.