Do you think you should be…

Less distracted?

Further along by now?

Have more money by now?

Have more time freedom and energy?

These are the biggest and most common energy and profit leaks.

You’ve landed on the page for my incredible business coaching program:

Should Free Six Figures

I’m Sarah Stokes,

The Business Breakthrough Coach for Open-Hearted Overwhelmed Overgivers.

I’m inviting you to say a soul yes...

To what?

Creating your first or next six figures with way less suffering and a lot more joy. 

What can you do with this holistic business support?

➡️ Create a business that actually works for your life.

➡️ Grow a business that actually has your back.

➡️  One that pays you.

➡️  One that gives you real time freedom.

➡️  One that doesn’t leave you drained.

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Build a business with a positive ripple that will bless the world in its own way.


You learn to peel away all the “shoulds” that keep you some version of stuck, broke, exhausted, or in comparanoia.

It’s support that comes to you in 4 core ways:

  • Weekly Group Business Coaching

  •  Custom Business Building Trainings

  •  Soulful Sales and Peaceful Planner Systems

  •  A Compassionate, Nonjudgemental Accountability Community

"Sarah is by no means your typical Coach!! The deep personal interest she takes in you and your business, creates a foundation on which your wildest dreams become a reality."

Kelly H.
Should Free Six Figures Member

And the bonuses are so good they could stand alone:

  • Money Mindset Trainings to Heal Your Money Story
  •  Partner Progress to Help You Navigate Spouse Drama
  •  Weekly Group Zoom Workouts with Our Own Personal Trainer
I’m ready to Get support!

Who is this for?


Female business owners who want to get out of their own way and start really getting traction 


Golden hearts who put everyone first and would love a sip of being tended to by a skilled business coach


Visionaries (maybe you’re even a little neuromagical) who want a compassionate accountability community where they won’t feel judged


 Women who want a business coach who blends heart and soul, brings in human design, intuition, and a decade of business strategy


 Entrepreneurs who are just beginning, are starting over, or are wanting support on their way to millions.

Don't just take it from me...

Hear what others are saying:

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Real tools, Real Business Skill Building

During your Should Free Six Figures year you’ll experience:

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Weekly Live Group Business Coaching calls so that you can:

  • Stop avoiding the hardest, most overwhelming pieces of your business and build momentum
  • Get clarity on pricing and cashflow in real time
  • Get a skilled multi-7-figure business strategist’s brain on your business
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Custom Six-figure Business Building Training and Playbook (Lifetime Access) so that you can:

  • Get clarity on what “shoulds” can go so you can create cash faster
  • Learn your “Top 20” priorities and get back 80% of your time
  • Pinpoint profit leaks and build “sleep at night” money
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Soulful Sales Systems so that you can:

  • Discover how to build deep trust with your ideal clients in less than 7 minutes a day
  • Gain the confidence to show up excited to sell your products/services
  • Understand your full alignment, no resentment pricing
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Peaceful Planner Process (including a planner shipped to you) so that you can:

  • Proactively plan your year based on you unique rhythm and dream workweek
  • Intentionally create work/life balance that you can stick to
  • Create boundaries in your calendar so you can finally focus on growth
I’m a soul yes, let’s go!

My clients, who are women just like you, are:


âś… Learning how to stop discounting services so they can infuse tens of thousands back into their business without working any harder.

âś… Working through the critical conversations with their team members so they could feel the true support of their employees, build their leadership skills, and not have to tip toe around issues.

✅ Creating mind-blowing sales for their offers that result in record-breaking revenue months and years. 

✅ Finally giving themselves permission to work with only heck-yes clients who they can’t wait to work with. 

âś… Experiencing their best year ever while working only 3 days a week and taking more time with their kiddos.

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This is for you if…

  • You are ready to learn exactly where to focus your energy and how to break up with distractions that drain you so you can have plenty of energy left over for your loved ones.

  •  You are ready to say no profit leaks and yes to learning how to hold boundaries that build your bank account.

  •  You are ready to get weekly expert business coaching from a coach who’s actually scaled several companies to award-winning, multi-million dollar levels while being the mom she wants to be.

  •  You are ready to walk through a new way to set up your schedule so that you can actually rest and recharge. (Read this one again, my Human Design Projector friends!)

  •  You are ready to be surrounded by cash creators who are not only scaling their businesses, they are having so much more fun together.

  •  You are ready to create a custom path to your next six figures and you’d love help to accelerate that timeline!


This is juicy, I’m in!

What if today was the last day that you…


Were afraid to look at your bank app?

Felt behind on your biggest projects?

Said yes when it was a no?

Avoided hard conversations with team members?

Discounted yourself?

Hid from social media sales?

Fought with your partner about your business?

Worried the other shoe was going to drop?

Felt like it’s never enough?

It doesn’t have to be this way.

When you say yes to investing in your support, you make room for a lot more joy in your business and life. 


I believe our businesses were divinely sent to help us heal. This is the biggest personal and professional growth you’ll ever experience…


But on the other side of the squirm…









Meet your Business Breakthrough Coach

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Sarah Stokes is a breakthrough business coach and mastermind leader with The Juicy Good Life, where she helps businesswomen scale with sanity. She’s a coach and strategist who’s actually built and sold successful businesses. Sarah owned STOKES|HERZOG, a strategic marketing and consulting agency in Eau Claire, WI for 8 years until she de-shoulded her life at a whole new level and retired from marketing. She is a trusted consultant for global and regional companies, helping them with their strategy, public relations, and growth.

The Juicy Good Life was born in 2018 to empower breakthroughs for businesswomen. It’s designed to help them discover daily joy, pinpoint patterns that are holding them back, and tune into their soul so they have the stamina to grow to their next levels.

Prior to business ownership, Sarah was a journalist for 17 years, anchoring nightly newscasts around the country before starting STOKES|HERZOG Marketing + Consulting with her husband in 2014. They left the TV biz so they could be home to put their babies to bed at night (he was her co-anchor at the news desk for years). The agency’s incredible team served Fortune 500, global, and regional companies. In 2013, she purchased a women’s magazine and grew it right from her kitchen counter (with toddlers circling her legs) to seven times its size (revenue and reach) before successfully selling it so she could focus on the growing agency.

Based on the professional and personal breakthroughs she’s had as an owner, CEO, employer, consultant, speaker, mom, wife, and community leader, she knew she had to help others find joy in their lives alongside the business success they’re achieving. She’s focused on helping companies make an impact on the world by sharing scaling strategies that actually work for real women with big dreams.

Sarah is a national speaker, podcast host, and trusted advisor and board member. She has been honored to be named the BBBS Kell Award Winner for Making a Difference in 2021, Organization of the Year for Feed My People Food Bank in 2021, Community Impact Leader of the Year in 2019, Woman of Achievement in 2017, Business Woman of the Year in 2016, and Extraordinary Business Woman of the Year in 2014. STOKES|HERZOG Marketing + Consulting was named the Best Branding and Design Company and Best Video Agency in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.

A personal note from Sarah:


As your Business Breakthrough Coach, I promise when you do this work:

You won’t be alone. You will be surrounded by community and I hold your vision with you.

I will tell you the truth. Sometimes that will be tough for us both.

I will help you keep your eyes on the prize as your built-in goalmate.

I will guide you to see your limiting beliefs and patterns that keep you stuck.

You will get insight that changes your life for the better.

I’m a soul yes, let’s go!

Are you considering becoming a

Should Free Six Figures Member

but have a couple of questions?


Sarah offers just a few discernment calls a month, so if you want to get business coaching and success tools now, don't wait for a call. Your brain will always think later is better, so if it's your time, enroll and let's go! If you prefer a 30 min Q & A with Sarah, click to book. Thanks!

Book your free call now!