Solstice Shift: Energetic and Emotional Reset Retreat

June 17, 2024 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. CST


New location:  Willow Retreat Center 

13812 8th St, Osseo, WI 54758


Retreat led in person by Sarah Stokes

Retreat led on Zoom by Wendy Sloneker

Included in your day:

Have you been through a lot in this latest season of your life?

Changes, losses, joys, tears, fear, and worry can put a heavy load on our shoulders. 

Yet we don't take time to stop and even check in with ourselves...

What does this next season of life require?

What is coming up for you?

Taking a day away from the daily grind of life is so beautiful. 

We've designed Solstice Shift to give you the space to hear yourself think.

To tune into your spirit.

To shift what wants to move before you enter the next season of life. 


What is Solstice Shift? 

Here's what the day entails:

An Emotion Shifting Session with Emergence Coach Wendy Sloneker… it TOTALLY WORKS VIRTUALLY… it’s a Reiki Energy shift designed expressly for movement of stuck feelings whether it’s a change in life, grief, loss, heartbreak, resentment, bitterness, frustration, annoyance, fury… or some other unpleasant feelings.

Life (and/or business) coaching session with Breakthrough Coach Sarah Stokes. This will especially for women who find themselves overgiving and feeling depleted.

For the women who feel exhausted with all the shoulds of this season. Sarah will guide you through your latest challenge to so your life and business work well for you through your changing life.

A Full-On Sound Bath Experience with Rachelle Guse, founder of The Eclectic Spark: Crystal healing bowl sound baths are incredible in person and you will be drenched in the transformation that helps move energy you didn't even realize was ready to move.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided for in-person attendees.

Plus: Included in your ticket price is one of Wendy Sloneker's books - you get to choose from a selection for what's most supportive. 

You need to know right here, right now… YOU are invited and wanted inside of this group & hybrid experience.

What our attendees are saying about the positive impact: 

"Thank you it was a wonderful event and I loved how passionate you all are. I love how it helped release and shift and bring clarity to certain areas of life. Highly recommend! Also being in a group was great to feel supported by others’ and see their moments of growth." - Attendee


"Solstice Shift exceeded my greatest expectations. I got in touch with many feelings I've ignored for years, and am moving on with with greater strength and new tools for personal growth. Exceptional!" - Attendee


What about a replay?

There is no replay available due to the tenderness of the sharing during this sacred day. We heal, support, reset, release, and restore in a very special way when we’re in a community together.


Register today… And invite your bestie.
You’ll soak in the energetic goodness, reset, and then soar for the rest of the summer together.

You deserve this time and space.

Celebrate & honor the season, yes… it’s fun and effective, for sure…

But more importantly, celebrate and honor your season in your life, career, and heart.

Your Retreat Leaders:


Sarah Stokes

Breakthrough Coach

Wendy Sloneker

Emergence Coach

Rachelle Guse

Crystal Singing Bowls Guide

Recognize & take in all you’ve done and been through in the past few months…

Receive some credit and attention.

Restore and replenish alongside like minded leaders and new connections in community.

Kick off the next phase of your life with a real and intentional shift that will serve you all season.

Register for your shift here

In-Person Live Community Ticket


What are the benefits of in-person attendance?

Human connection with a built-in community atmosphere.

In-person sound bath immersion. And lunch is handled!

A special day out of the same-old-same-old with like-minded humans also on a healing path.


Zoom Live Community Ticket


What are the benefits of Zoom attendance?

Stay in the comfort and privacy of your own home as experience this shift. 

Be treated to a sacred Zoom room with Wendy as your guide.

Connection with other like-minded healing humans via the Zoom room.


Solstice Shift:
Energetic and Emotional Reset Retreat